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Accessible support service for people with limited autonomy

to keep in touch with your family and professional caregivers

The app and first month subscription are both free

Revert the loss of autonomy for all those who can no longer use digital tools !

On average, caregivers are 226 km away from the person they need to help.

Many elderly people pick up their landline phone to no longer be solicited commercially which makes them inaccessible to their relatives.

Aged on average 49 years, 66% of caregivers are workers who lack time on a daily basis

What we offer for more serenity every day

Our pricing plan is made for you

With or without tablet included and with a monthly or annual commitment

Comparison chart with WhatsApp or Skype

3 minutes

Account activation

Activate your account along with his or her account in less than 3 minutes and send invitations to your loved ones to join you in the family circle of trust surrounding the person with limited autonomy.

Meeting with our partners

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